Pediatric Outpatient Consultation (Online)

Pediatric Outpatient Yorozu Consultations will be held four times a year (spring, summer, fall, and winter).
We will discuss how to relate to children as described in this website, distraction, preparation, transitions, collaboration with other professions, dealing with families, this and that with daycare centers and administrative agencies, and more. Any kind of consultation is fine, so why don’t you join us for a consultation session?
What you are worried about may actually be the same thing that some of the participants are worried about. Or you may be able to find someone who has had a problem but was able to solve it with this idea. Your participation may help someone working somewhere in Japan. Let’s think together about one person’s problem and contribute to improving the quality of pediatric outpatient nursing care. We look forward to your participation.
Your online name does not have to be your real name. You may use your “handle name.
Your e-mail address will not be made public. Your email address will be provided only to the Secretariat and will be used to provide you with online access to participate in the consultation sessions. The secretariat will keep this information strictly confidential.
Please provide your job title, years of clinical experience, type of facility (clinic, general hospital, etc.), and department to the best of your ability.
If you do not receive a reply within 14 days, it is possible that your application was not sent. In that case, please contact us at

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